Mindful and Intuitive Eating with @torontoblondie [Canadian Creative Collab Month]
I have always found it important to work with, support, and empower other women in my life. No one does it better than my girls, so this month, that's what I've decided to focus on. Each weekend of August, look forward to hearing from some fabulous female influencers that I have had the pleasure to get to know through them sharing their stories with me (and with you)! They discuss some killer topics such as food, fashion, and so much more, and what it means to live life from their perspective. I hope this month brings you all some insight into the minds of your fave leading ladies, and that it inspires you to connect with the women in your lives on a deeper level! So without further ado, let's hear from our first chica with major chi: @torontoblondie
I am a huge believer in balance. But while I consider myself balanced in most areas of my life, finding balance with my diet has been one of the most difficult things for me. I’m someone who really enjoys eating healthy. I feel my best and most myself when I’m fueling my body with foods that nourish me. However, I’ve also learned that I’m someone whose eating habits are strongly connected to my emotions. Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve felt comforted by food? Where you’ve felt emotional and eating something you love has made you feel better? I associate food with feeling good, and often turn to food when I’m stressed or dealing with a difficult situation.
Recently, the phrase “intuitive eating” has been everywhere! It’s a total buzz term that encourages us to be in tune with our mind and body, and eat according to our own hunger cues. Great approach to eating right? But from my perspective, this can be harder than it seems. If you are someone who views food as more than just fuel for your body (and I definitely do - I’m a total foodie who loves to enjoy a delicious meal) then being mindful and intuitive while eating isn’t always easy.
So what are my biggest tips for being mindful while eating? I’m truthfully still navigating my own relationship with food, but I have learned a couple things along the way that hopefully might resonate with you. First of all, I try to reflect on where my food cravings are coming from before giving in to them. Am I stressed? Am I anxious? Am I feeling overwhelmed? Or do I simply just really want to eat a grilled cheese sandwich? Next, I try to really savour and enjoy the food that I’m eating! I try to give my full attention to simply that. I put away all other distractions and tune into my senses. How does the food I’m eating smell? How does it taste? I also try to eat slowly and chew thoroughly so my brain has time to process when my stomach is full. I know that when I’m eating from a place of emotion this doesn’t even register.
A huge thank you to Zoe for asking me to write a guest post for her blog and share my experience! Here’s to good food and listening to our bodies :)
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