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Hi, I'm Zoe.

Welcome to my blog, The Canadian Creative! Here, I share all the fun things I am eating, doing, and wearing.

Thanks for partaking in my little slice of the world with me ❀

Simple Spooktacular Shakes

Simple Spooktacular Shakes

Halloween is next week (on a Tuesday? but who goes out on a Tuesday?) so that means this weekend will be full of fun themed parties, outfits, and of course treats. Naturally, I'm making treats, surprise surprise. It's honestly been a while since I've properly celebrated Halloween so I decided to make something fun, but still fits into my "health conscious" (read: I like to think I'm healthy) lifestyle. Halloween used to scare the s**t out of me as a kid, I had an overactive imagination... and really I still do. But now I get a bit more excited by the thought of sitting at home watching cheesy themed movies and consuming an entire box of candy with Adrian. This year, however, I have decided to swap the entire box of candy with something slightly less gluttonous. These shakes were really cute, super easy to make, and tasted really good! It's just like a regular cookies and cream shake, but with approximately 25 grams of protein.

Simple Spooktacular Shakes

Here's yet another less than 10 ingredient recipe, because I like it simple (or I'm just lazy).

Simple Spooktacular Shakes

Let me know if you try this recipe, and what you thought of it in the comments!


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